Προϊόντα AFPA
anf717@gmail.com info@anfpak.com
+86-1561 8866 167

Οι 10 κορυφαίες εταιρείες ειδικών καψουλών καφέ στη Σιγκαπούρη το 2023
Specialty coffee capsules have revolutionized the coffee-drinking experience by providing a convenient yet quality coffee option. In Singapore, a thriving coffee culture prevails, underscoring the significance of selecting the most

2023 10 κορυφαίες γεύσεις κάψουλας καφέ στην Ιταλία/ “Οι 10 καλύτερες κάψουλες καφέ στην Ιταλία για το 2023
“Coffee capsules from Nespresso have gained popularity as a convenient and delightful way to savor premium coffee from the comfort of your home. With an impressive range of flavors available,

Top 10 Nespresso Coffee Capsule Company στις ΗΠΑ
Among the numerous companies producing Nespresso-compatible capsules, there are notable manufacturers that distinguish themselves through popularity, quality, and variety. This article presents the top 10 Nespresso capsule manufacturers in the

Κορυφαίες εταιρείες 10 K φλιτζάνια καφέ στις ΗΠΑ
The K-Cup is a single-serve coffee designed for use with Keurig single-cup coffee makers, making it quick and easy to brew a cup of Americano or other beverages. The K-Cup

Τι πρέπει να κάνω όταν λαμβάνω για πρώτη φορά τη μηχανή πλήρωσης καψουλών H1 Coffee;
First of all, thank you for choosing AFPAK’s H1 coffee capsule filling machine. We believe that when you learn how to use our machine correctly, it will help me quickly

Μηχανή συσκευασίας σφράγισης γεμίσματος κάψουλας Nespresso για πελάτες της Αυστραλίας
Recently we customized a Nespresso Coffee Capsule Filling Sealing Packaging Machine for Australia customer, this machine can do both biodegradable cups and aluminum cups, and can produce 6,000 capsule cups

Τα κυριότερα σημεία του AFPAK στο Busan Coffee Show 2023 στην Κορέα
2023.6.21-6.24 AFPAK attended the 2023 Busan Coffee Show for the first time with the help of our Korean agent, which allowed us to learn more about the Korean coffee market

Προετοιμασία πριν την περιστροφική μηχανή πλήρωσης κάψουλας καφέ Πραγματική παραγωγή
What should I do after receiving my Rotary Coffee Capsule Filling Machine? After you received the wooden box of the rotary coffee capsule filling machine at your factory, unpack it

Linear Vs Rotary K Cup Filling Machine: 3 Big Difference
Linear Vs Rotary k cup filling machine: what are the differences? which one is better? When a company is deciding to invest in a fully automated coffee capsule filling and

Πώς να ρυθμίσετε τις παραμέτρους πλήρωσης στη μηχανή πλήρωσης φλυτζανιών K
As the actual user of the K cup filling machine, you need to let it know some necessary parameters, such as the filling weight, only then can it fill to

Πώς να διατηρήσετε καθαρή γέμιση στη μηχανή πλήρωσης και σφράγισης φλιτζανιών AFPAK K
Many users always encounter a problem when they first get the AFPAK k cup filling and sealing machine to try to produce, that is, the phenomenon of spreading powder is

Το εγχειρίδιο της μηχανής σφράγισης πλήρωσης κάψουλας καφέ H2
The manual of H2 coffee capsule filling sealing machine What is the main structure of the H2 coffee capsule filling sealing machine. The structure of the H2 coffee capsule filling