
+86-1561 8866 167

859-813-2814 (khusus AS/BISA)

Coffee Capsule Making Machines For Sale

  • Stabilitas tinggi, produksi 24 jam
  • Mengisi rentang penyesuaian volume: 0-20 gram
  • Very easy to learn and use.
  • Both Separated K cups and welded K cups

AFPAK Coffee Capsule Making Solution

  • More Than 10 Years Coffee Capsule Making Machines manufacturing experiences
  • Memenuhi kebutuhan produksi (30-300 ribu cangkir per menit) dari semua ukuran perusahaan
  • CE, ISO, standar manufaktur SGS
  • Pelajari cara menggunakan dan merawat mesin dalam 1 jam
  • Pengisian dan pengemasan K cup yang matang dan canggih melengkapi teknologi lini produksi

Coffee Capsule Making Machines

  • RN1S coffee capsule filling machine

    RN1S K cup Filling and sealing machines are our best-selling model because it is easy to use, easy to maintain, high precision and excellent stability, and has won the love of all customers. You can use this machine to produce coffee, cocoa powder, tea powder, milk powder, and other k cups products.
    This machine can produce both welded K cups and separated K cups capsules, you can also produce K shots, Upshots, etc other different formats on this machine.

  • Mesin pengisian pod kopi H1

    We have built this machine to produce K cups, K shots, and similar cups. This is a customize-built machine, you can use your own designed capsules in this machine. It is suitable for packaging a wide range of liquid, paste, granulated and powdered products, you can use this machine to fill dairy products, soluble powders, coffee, salads, dressings, desserts, dry soups, frozen dished, cosmetics, and so on.

  • H2 coffee capsule packaging machine

    AF-H2 Dolce gusto filling sealing packaging machine is the solution to fill coffee in Dolce gusto capsules, close and pack with Nitrogen gas. This is a full automatic line with incorporates a variety of sensors that allows it to detect and smartly decide how to respond to the presence or absence of cups, lids, coffee, air pressure, temperature, position, etc.
  • H4 k cup filler for coffee capsule companies

    The AFPAK AF-H4 K cup manufacturing machines can produce 4 k cups for each time and produce up to 12000 capsules per hour. This is a custom-build fully automatic In-line filling and sealing machine according to your capsules. It is suitable for packaging a wide range of liquid, paste, granulated and powdered products, you can use this machine to fill dairy products, soluble powders, coffee, salads, dressings, desserts, dry soups, frozen dished, cosmetics, and so on.

  • H4B10 Coffee capsule filling machines

    Ini adalah saluran yang sepenuhnya otomatis dengan menggabungkan berbagai sensor yang memungkinkannya mendeteksi dan dengan cerdas memutuskan bagaimana merespons ada atau tidaknya cangkir, tutup, kopi, tekanan udara, suhu, posisi, dll.

    The servo motor-controlled filling device is designed to provide high accuracy, extremely smooth operation at all speeds.


Offer Custom-Build Service

AFPAK offers custom-built K cup filling and sealing machines service for higher speeds and different filling materials requirements. We also have a filling and sealing machines to produce K-shots, one-cup capsules. Just contact us freely for any need.

What You Can Expect From Us

Technical Service

In-house AFPAK mengharapkan dan insinyur siap untuk menyelesaikan masalah Anda. Kami akan berada di sisi Anda saat Anda membutuhkan kami untuk memeriksa, menganalisis, dan menyelesaikan masalah Anda.

Traning Service

AFPAK has experienced training teams. Depending on your request, we will arrange a comprehensive training program engineered to ensure our customer’s staff will operate efficiently.

Spare Parts

We have almost all key parts of our products in stock. During your emergency we will have what you need. We can deliver it quick and make ordering simple.

About Us

AFPak berspesialisasi dalam mengembangkan solusi pengemasan terbaik dan beragam yang akan memuaskan Anda dan pelanggan Anda. Teknologi canggih adalah jantung dari setiap produk yang kami tawarkan. Namun kekayaan pengalaman dan layanan pelanggan yang luar biasa adalah hal yang benar-benar membedakan kami dari para pesaing.
Insinyur profesional adalah dukungan kami yang paling kuat, tetapi mereka tidak terbatas pada teknologi masa lalu. Kami mengikuti teknologi terbaru dan menerapkannya pada setiap produk yang kami buat. Jadi barang-barang kami sangat dihargai oleh klien kami karena kinerjanya yang baik, Daya Tahan, dan ramah pengguna.
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