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The guy born in the 1990s made coffee and earns one million a year. At

The guy born in the 1990s made coffee and earns one million a year. At such a young age, he has become a relatively wealthy man in the United States. Let’s see what his secret is! This is a true story, and the guy personally emailed his best partner afpak official website

What kind of choice determines what kind of life. To become a successful person, you must be forward-looking, because every temporary decision may become a factor that will promote your success in the future.Jimmy is the chairman and chairman of the company. General manager, many people around Jimmy admire his good luck, but Jimmy believes that he was able to achieve today’s results not because of good luck, but because he insisted on taking a path that suits him and giving full play to With regard to my own expertise, I am always looking after everything, thinking about and discovering those setbacks and difficulties in advance, so as to effectively reduce or avoid risks.

In 2015, Jimmy graduated from Andrew University. Jimmy majored in international finance and trade. Holding his own diploma, he nominated one company after another to promote himself. After running for a month, I did not find a suitable job. He was very depressed. When he returned to his father’s coffee shop, he couldn’t help crying. It is often said that men have tears, and this young man feels helpless in planning his future career. The lost direction, time passing day by day, is very worrying.

Although Jimmy’s father’s shop was small, it had many loyal customers. One of the words of an old customer made the guy make a temporary important decision.

I don’t want to do the kind of work that looks at my head at a glance. I do things that I am not interested in every day. It is very boring.The boy said to his father. The father is doing coffee garnishing in the coffee shop, and he understands his son’s mind. But what else can he do besides teaching his son how to make coffee, he is also troubled by this.

ある古い顧客が雑誌を読んでいて、こう言いました。 “You can take over your dad’s job and expand the scale of the coffee shop.Jimmy thought this was a good idea. Talk to old customers. Since then, Jimmy has been learning about coffee from his father in an ordinary afternoon. Perhaps he has been intrigued since childhood. Jimmy’s coffee is very good, but he wants to expand. The thinking of young people is naturally more leaping than the thinking of the older generation. He is not limited to just buying ready-made coffee. He aimed at the idea of ​​packaging coffee and selling his own fine coffee to various places.

彼は非常に適したものを見つけました コーヒーカプセル充填機 インターネットで、AfPak のコーヒー包装機を見つけてください。彼は、自分のコーヒーの味と品質は、市販されている通常のコーヒーよりもはるかに優れていると信じています。彼は、生活の質を追求したいが、コーヒー豆を挽いたり、コーヒーを淹れる技術を持たない消費者にコーヒーを販売したいと考えています。もちろん、コーヒーを挽くことができる人もいます。コーヒー豆と淹れたてのコーヒーで上質かつファストライフを楽しみたいハイエンドの顧客層。 Afpak社の充填カプセルコーヒーマシンは、コーヒー本来の風味を長期間保持でき、香りも維持でき、品質が安定しており、抽出が非常に便利です。彼は伝統的なコーヒー販売の形態から脱却し、インターネットと優れた機械を利用してさまざまな場所にコーヒーを販売しています。

彼は成功した。ジミーはAfpakスタッフに電子メールで次のように書いた。 “If you hadn’t met your company with such a good machine and helped me so much, I think it would be more difficult.

大胆に冒険をし、固有の考え方からあえて脱却し、懸命に働き、成功する人は、努力によって3分で終わる運命にあります。コーヒー作りにも興味がある場合は、AfPak 公式ウェブサイトにアクセスしてください。 閲覧して注文するには


