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Как работает машина для наполнения кофейных капсул AFPAK на заводе заказчика

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Now, as coffee capsules are more and more popular in the world, many coffee roasters

Теперь, когда кофейные капсулы становятся все более и более популярными в мире, многие обжарщики кофе и бизнесмены хотят производить капсульные кофейные продукты под собственным брендом, и они искали и купили много машин для наполнения и запайки кофейных капсул в Китае.

But what they are facing is that, when they consider to purchase the machines, they don’t know how the coffee capsule filling machine works. This kind of machines are not cheap. Many Chinese small factories cannot offer the evidence that coffee capsule filling machines they produced are running well in their customersworkshop. That’s a big risk for the new customers. Yet the worst and biggest problem is they will waste a lot of time and money and only they would know the machine is not working for them until they will have received the machine.

AFPAK has produced machines since 2010. With the help of senior American engineers, we have lots of successful projects running in the world and our machines are all working well in our customer’s factory.

This is a machine video showing you how our machines are running in our American customer’s factory:

Надеюсь, это машина для наполнения чашек k видео может помочь вам лучше понять наш AFPAK машины для наполнения кофейных капсул.

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