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Produsen Mesin Pengisian Kapsul Kopi Italia Baru 2021 Panduan Terbaik

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As you know, Italian Coffee Capsule Filling Machines Manufacturers represents the highest level in the

Seperti yang Anda ketahui, Produsen Mesin Pengisian Kapsul Kopi Italia mewakili level tertinggi di bidang produksi kapsul kopi

Kami telah mendaftarkan beberapa produsen mesin pengisi kapsul kopi dari Italia yang memproduksi mesin berkualitas tinggi.

Perusahaan-perusahaan ini memproduksi mesin pengisi kualitas premium yang mengisi kapsul dengan kecepatan tinggi, presisi penuh, dan kualitas yang lebih baik.

You will know each company’s success with a detailed guide on the top machines from every company.

Moreover, we have compared our best coffee filling machines with every company’s machine.

1. OPEM S.P.Aexperienced Italian Coffee Capsule Filling Machines Manufacturers

OPEM S.P.A started in the area of Parma and now has taken off toward international markets with a good reputation and quality.

OPEM S.P.A was founded by Fabio Binacchi in 1971 and started as a family-run small-size business.

The company started with pasta purchase but now has spread to Italy with several products, including coffee capsule filling machines.

They started with only ten employees in packaging machines in the coffee sector, and that rose to the highest level in no time.

Binacchi began working with other companies and did not let himself be limited to biscuits and pasta only but coffee.

OPEM coffee capsule filling machine Italy

During the 80s, the company worked with important customers, including Barilla and Kimbo, which rose the business to the next level.

The pods and capsules became the reason for the growth of the company.

In 1984 the company managed to have 105 workers and moved to Parma’s industrial area.

After three years of manufacturing, in September 2014, the company planted a new plant in Parma’s industrial area.

In 2017, OPEM S.P.A. officially got a patent for coffee pod machines in aluminum foil (Nespresso Pro).

OPEM S.P.A’s Top Coffee capsule filling Machines

Coffee Capsule Filling System CR-1P

The new generation capsule filling linear system features one lane to fill empty capsules by its empty capsule filling system.

Ini mencakup dua metode yaitu pemberian makan secara acak dan Denester untuk kapsul yang ditumpuk.

Selain itu, ia memiliki dispenser sekrup yang digerakkan oleh motor servo tanpa sikat.

The machine’s filing accuracy is ± 0.2g, and output is up to 75 capsules/minute.

Itu dilengkapi dengan penolakan kapsul di luar toleransi, penyesuaian umpan balik dari dispenser, dan kontrol berat badan in-line.

Mesin ini juga dilengkapi dengan mesin pengemas kapsul terintegrasi dalam kantong tunggal atau ganda dengan injeksi gas inert.

Produsen mesin penyegel kapsul kopi Italia OPEM

Comparison with AFPAK’s AF-HN1 Coffee Capsule Filling Sealing Machine

AFPAK AF-HN1 menggunakan kapsul kopi plastik dan aluminium dan kompatibel dengan mesin kopi kecil dan pemula.

Satu lajur mesin ini bisa menghasilkan 30 kapsul per menit.

Kemampuan yang dapat disesuaikan dari mesin ini membantu Anda menggunakan semua jenis atau bentuk kapsul untuk diisi.

Pelat yang digerakkan oleh sistem pneumatik yang digunakan mudah dibersihkan dan dirawat.

Mesin ini cocok untuk mengemas berbagai macam produk.

Fitur pergantian ukuran dapat menangani kapsul ukuran yang berbeda.

Tata letak tapak kecil membantu Anda menempatkan alat berat di mana pun Anda inginkan.

Selain kapsul kopi, Anda dapat mengisi butiran kopi, bubuk susu, bubuk kakao, butiran teh, produk susu, kosmetik, makanan penutup beku, salad, dan sup kering.

mesin penyegel-pengisi-kapsul-kopi

2. TECMESItalian Coffee Capsule Filling Machines Manufacturers

TECMES awalnya didirikan oleh tim ahli mekanik terapan pada tahun 1984.

The company itself operated with consistent success as its team poses operational brilliance and enthusiasm to the company’s progress.

The company is located in Vaiano Cremasco (CR), Italy, producing mechanical structures in all manufacturing advanced industries, construction of rotary and linear base machines, and solutions for the coffee capsules packaging industry.

The company claims that its team’s technological know-how has continuously remained the focus of innovative production improvement.

Moreover, with great curiosity, adaptability, and solution-oriented, the company has set up all the virtual machines with updated technical and high-performance renovations for assembly processes of the products required by the market.

tecmes Italian coffee capsule filling sealing machine manufacturers

TECMES’s Top Coffee Capsule Filling Machines

The conveyor belt for the transport of capsules and the central shaft for the motion of the linear arms are all driven by a single motor in mechanical synchronism in this fully mechanically operated system, as is the rotary platform to ensure all the reliability, precision, and simplicity of operation typical of automatic machines.

The conveyor’s nominal speed is 50 cycles per minute.

Depending on the type of packaging device, this speed can also be increased and decreased in the synchronous machine (the kind of capsule, grams of coffee or soluble product, welding and filling times, assembling of parts, critical controls to be provided, etc.).

The machine can process various compatible capsule models, either molded or thermoformed.

The machine, kit, or outfit can also be supplied with individual capsules to accommodate different capsules.

The system conducts a particular operation at each linear station, and control of the process often occurs in the subsequent steps.

Usually, it is a mechanical control device.

Electronic or pneumatic control is possible during all phases of the packaging process.

TEMES coffee capsule filling machine Italy

The cutting or perforated punching film, filter paper, or aluminum foil, and the resulting welding on the bottom or intermediate or top capsule can also be provided by the machines.

A manual loading buffer or automatic sorter with a hopper may provide the capsulesloading into the system (vibration, gravitational, centrifugal system, or other).

Mesin selalu mengontrol berat melalui sistem takaran menggunakan sel pemuatan yang tepat.

Pilihan untuk mencuci kapsul dengan nitrogen atau gas lembam tersedia untuk semua model.

Semua mesin dapat diselesaikan oleh penggilingan kopi atau garis akhir sebagai paket aliran pengemasan sebagai kotak karton.


Mesin tersebut menghasilkan empat jalur dari 200 kapsul kopi per menit.

Meja putar memiliki 50 siklus per menit untuk 10, 12, atau 16 stasiun.

Perusahaan yang sama dapat memproduksi 300 kapsul per menit jika, alih-alih empat jalur, enam jalur digunakan pada 50 siklus.

Mesin ini kompatibel dengan berbagai ukuran, desain, dan perlengkapan kapsul agar sesuai.

Mesin melakukan berbagai fungsi di setiap bagian, dan kemudian di subbagian, kontrol operasi lebih lanjut terjadi.

Mesin penyegel pengisian kapsul kopi TEMES Italia

Comparison with AFPAK’s AF-HN2 Coffee Capsule Filling Machines

Tidak seperti AF-HN1, AF-HN2 dirancang untuk perusahaan kopi menengah dan memiliki 2 jalur untuk memproduksi hingga 200 kapsul per menit.

2 lajur dapat menghasilkan 600 kapsul setiap jam, yang merupakan kecepatan tertinggi pada jajaran mesin pengisi kapsul kopi ini.

Anda dapat menggunakan Nespresso yang dilas dan dipisahkan dalam satu mesin.

Mesin ini mudah dipelajari, dibersihkan, dan dirawat.

The high accuracy and stable working of this machine feature a servo motor to dose the capsules.

Custom and automatic in-line filling and sealing processes are used to fill capsules of any size and shape.

Besides coffee capsules, you can fill other products like dairy items, cosmetics, and so on.

Mesin pengisi Nespresso

3. Tehnomatik 1995Italian Coffee Capsule Filling Machines Manufacturers

Tehnomatik 1995 was founded in 1995, a machine-building company. Its headquarters are located in Novo Selo near Vrnjačka Banja.

The company is comparatively small in size, but their three-decade of experienced workers ensures their quality every year. Primarily the company offers packaging and weighing products.

Besides these services, the company provides peripheral devices such as transporters, work platforms, ribbon mixers, etc.

They believe in perseverance, quality, practicality, and variety.

They use modern ways of packaging to keep everything up to date. Moreover, the company offers full satisfaction with their guarantee of client’s investment.

Tehnomatik Italian coffee capsule filling sealing machine manufacturers

Tehnomatik 1995’s Top Coffee Capsule Filling Machines

RPK8 Rotary Index Filling and Capsule Closing Machine

RPK8 is designed to fill Point and Nespresso Coffee Capsules.

The low dosing oscillations and adequate regulation of coffee compaction make excellent espresso quality.

The machine is designed in a way to maintain and utilize quite efficiently.

The robust design of the machine makes it even more durable.

Parameterization is done on a touch-panel, and the machine has an index operation mode.

Machine assemblies are driven by pneumatic cylinders, AC motors, and servo motors.

The weighing accuracy is ±0.2g and produces 25 capsules per minute.

Moreover, the machine features 6-bar pump pressure and is made of stainless steel.

Tehnomatik coffee capsule packing machine

Comparison with AFPAK’S AF-HN4 Coffee Capsule Filling Machines

AF-HN4 features 2 lane that produces 200 coffee capsules per minute and totally 6000 capsules every hour.

The machine allows you to extend the various functions.

Moreover, it emits low noise while production and meets the highest standards for process hygiene. It delivers fast and easy to learn.

In addition, you can easily clean and maintain the machine as well.

AF-HN4 seals both plastic and aluminum foil seals over the top of capsules.

It features automatic in-line sealing and filling systems.

Besides sealing and filling capsules, you can fill other products like tea, salad, desserts, and dry soups.

sistem pengantongan

4. SpreaficoItalian Coffee Capsule Filling Machines Manufacturers

Spreafico was founded in 1971 by Pietro Spreafico.

He created the company as a workshop specialized in precision machining, repairing, and maintenance.

Over time the company has been expanded in Italy and increases productivity as well.

Moreover, in 1998 the owner’s son Enrico decided to proceed with complex mechanical structure machining and on-site assembly.

The company became an S.r.l. (limited liability company) in 2008 and hired twenty new employees who had external suppliers.

At that time, the company seized the moment, entered into the coffee business, and started making capsule filling machines that produce 600 pieces per minute.

The current sales manager of Spreafico, Mr. Gianfranco Zanarini, who has 30 years of experience in the coffee industry, has boosted its sales and reached high levels.

In 2017, the company changed its name to Spreafico Automation.

With the new facilities, the company continues with the design, construction, and fitting activities of machines and full plants to fill capsules with coffee and soluble products.

Pada 2019, Spreafico menjadi bagian dari IMA Coffee Hub, sekelompok merek spesialis.

Masing-masing memberikan potongan penting dari pengalaman dan keahlian yang dibutuhkan untuk melayani industri kopi dari A hingga Z.

Produsen mesin pengisian kapsul kopi Italia IMA

Spreafico’s Top Coffee Capsule Filling Machines

SR 2: (sistem model linier 2 jalur untuk pengisian kapsul)
Mesin generasi terakhir memiliki sistem model linier 2 jalur untuk pengisian kapsul keras.

Sistem camshaft digunakan untuk menggerakkan sistem mekanik.

To utilize and monitor the machine’s functional system, 15 inches touch screen is displayed on the machine.

Kopi diberi dosis melalui sistem auger, yang selanjutnya digerakkan oleh motor Brushless.

Moreover, it has prearrangement for nitrogen tunnel and in-line weighing system.

The aluminum film, micro-perforated, filter paper, triplex coupled, Pand P lid is used to close each capsule’s top.

The process can insert filters and diaphragm into the capsule and on its bottom.

SR2 allows fast and easy capsule changeover because of its flexible nature.

You can treat coffee, tea leaves, and any soluble product with this machine.

IMA'S coffee capsule filling sealing machine

Comparison with AFPAK’s AF-RN1S Coffee Capsule Filling Sealing Machines

AF-RN1S features the top speed, which is 1 lane producing 50-70 capsules per minute, completing 50-70 cycles per minute.

It has a maintain free-design and round table which is driven by a motor.

Moreover, it features vertical empty capsules storage and dropping system to save labor and time.

The machine has a self-sufficient capsule filling module and servo motor driven volumetric augers to keep stable and high filling accuracy.

It has a small size, fast speed, and is easy to maintain and clean.

The machine can fill both plastic and aluminum foil, sealing coffee capsules.

pabrik pembuat mesin penyegel pengisian kapsul kopi

5. TMEItalian Coffee Capsule Filling Machines Manufacturers

TME started almost 20 years ago.

The owner says they were energetic when they started the company and looking for a customer to try their products.

After 10 to 20 years of establishment, the company started working on making packaging and sealing different products ranging from rice and pasta to explosive powders and tire mixtures.

For the last 10 years, the company has achieved goals and had considerable success in coffee and related products.

Every day, the owner claims 45 workers work hard to build machinery to increasingly meet the market needs.

They believe that they will achieve their goals in the coming next year and dedicate their main resources to countries where coffee consumption is growing.


TME’s Top Coffee Capsule Packaging Machine


HTS results from high-quality and high standard machine produce by the TME’s experience and qualified workers.

The machine is designed to meet all the customer’s needs in terms of both quality and productivity.

The HTS line comes with various devices such as weight measurement, vision system, and remote assistance, and customized packaging systems.

Moreover, when it comes to the machine’s performance, we see extraordinary figures.

The machine’s speed is super-fast as it starts with producing 340 capsules per minute. Its tolerance is ±0,2, and air consumption is 42 m³/h.

hts coffee capsule filling machines

Final Thoughts

You will see our filling machines have better performance, more features, and more production rate with higher speed.

All the Italian Coffee capsule filling machines manufacturers the best filling machines yet comparatively lower than MEMBONGKAR‘s capsule filling machines.

The detailed review guide will give you knowledge about Italian Companies and their top products.

Moreover, the comparison will help you differentiate MEMBONGKAR‘s coffee capsule filling machines and other Italian coffee capsule filling machines.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]


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